Tuesday, 17 February 2015

‪#‎SasteGharCom‬, Shares yet another story as "Everyone Loves A Story"....
What fun it would be if you and your family reads this in your own home, and that's possible ! It's just simple mathematics...others have benefited, you can benefit too...
Once upon a time there was a book. Every day, the book sat alone on a dusty shelf. One day someone decided to pick up that book and crack its pages open. Because of that, the book not only felt useful, but was useful. Knowledge spilled into the reader’s head. Because of that, the reader stood up, placed the book back on the shelf, and ran out through the door of the room to the outside screaming “no!” 
Until finally, after the gunshots stopped reverberating off the walls outside the room, all was silent.

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